Self Managed Super Fund Set Up

Partner With SuperSense to Assist in the Set Up of Your Client’s SMSFs

SuperSense are Self Managed Super Fund set up experts, having set up thousands of funds for our clients and on behalf of our partners. When working with SuperSense, you can be assured that your client’s funds will comply with superannuation laws and that we will make the process easier for you and ultimately your clients.

When setting up an SMSF for your client SuperSense partners you with an SMSF specialist to assist in providing SMSF advice regarding if this type of super fund is right for your client, through to managing their complete fund set up of your behalf.

There are required steps to set up new accounts including appointing trustees, creating a trust and deed, registering the fund, setting up bank accounts and preparing an investment, and exit strategy, we are here to assist you with all of these requirements.

We’ll help you to set up and establish your clients SMSF, fulfil the government legislation requirements and provide quality advice and guidance as required. Not setting up a fund correctly, can cause issues in the future with your clients reporting and compliance requirements, and the overall performance of the fund.

The SuperSense team are experienced experts at setting up and transferring SMSFs and have the systems and expertise to establish new funds in a timely and compliant way. We understand the demands of a business and time pressures to satisfy clients, which is why we want to assist you with your SMSF client demands and allow you to utilise your time more effectively by allowing us to assist your business with your clients SMSF set up.

What is included?

To assist you with the process of setting up a clients SMSF we provide the following services:

  • Arrange for the preparation of legally required Statement of Advice prior to setting up the fund
  • Discussion of trustee structure best for the unique circumstances
  • If required, we set up a trustee company
  • Liaise with lawyers for the preparation of the trust deed
  • Complete all the necessary Australian Taxation Office (ATO) forms
  • Assist you with the process of transferring funds over to your newly set up SMSF

Contact Us

Contact us today if you’re interested in partnering with our professional team.

We assist our partners to ensure that your client’s SMSFs are set up to meet compliance requirements and client goals.