Business Services

Partnering with SuperSense

As more Australians discover the benefits and rewards from having an Self Managed Super Fund (SMSF), there will be a subsequent increase in the number of clients requiring experienced Advisors to assist them with managing these specialised funds. SMSFs require effective and strategic thinking, fund compliance, ongoing management, annual auditing, and administration. The administrative demands of managing many funds can often fill up valuable time for Financial Advisors and Accountants.

At SuperSense we assist with managing the administrative burden by utilising our industry experts, sophisticated processes, and online management tools to help you with your client’s SMSF set up, auditing, administration and advice.

We have over 15 years of experience and have handled thousands of SMSFs, providing expert advice, guidance and support to a wide range of individuals, advisors and businesses.

Offering a full range of white label corporate services to partners we have the flexibility to assist with all of your clients SMSF requirements or only the specific areas that your business needs assistance managing. Our team are experienced and dedicated SMSF specialists who are here to assist you with your work demands and business needs.

We have the resources and online systems available to set up and manage SMSF accounts in a timely, efficient and strategic manner. At SuperSense, we strive to make SMSFs management more manageable for you, allowing you to increase your client offering and business profits.

Talk to SuperSense today about how easy it is to be set up as a valuable business partner and the services available.

Advisor Services

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SMSF Audit

The ATO requires a yearly audit of SMSFs to ensure funds are compliant. As part of our SMSF service, we fulfil your client’s annual SMSF audit requirements.  During this process, SuperSense can assess the health of the fund, provide relevant advice on the findings and assist you in determining how to best progress for your client.

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SMSF Administration

SuperSense provides a seamless, best in class administrative service for its partners, combining our high level of expertise with reliable, timely service and online account management tools.  Our friendly and approachable team specialises in SMSF administration and are available to assist with your client’s SMSF requirements and ongoing fund management.

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SMSF Advice

SMSFs can be complicated requiring strategic thinking, ongoing management, and specialist attention. Our SuperSense SMSF experts have the knowledge and experience to provide advice that is relevant to this ever-changing superannuation option.

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Our team are equipped to handle the entire SMSF set up process and necessary paperwork required. As experts in SMSFs, we help our partners to optimise their time, by taking the work off your hands! Our resources and available technology make the set up process efficient and timely for our partners and their clients.

How We Deliver Our Partner Services

At SuperSense, we use industry-leading technology to ensure we are delivering the best service for our partners. Our online management platform has automated capabilities, manages compliance and provides easy access for partners and their clients. This easy to use online platform enables you and your clients to have access to their SMSF accounts and obtain expert advice and fund management, through a systematic and straightforward program.

Why Choose SuperSense

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Simple & Hassle Free Expert Services

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Timely Services To Benefit Your Business Efficiency

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Experience & Flexibility To Assist Your Business

Contact Us

Contact us today to take advantage of our specialist expertise, award-winning service and online management software!

We are here to allow you to focus on value-adding opportunities for your business while we assist in managing your clients SMSF requirements.